FOCUS Military Ministry has set a strategy to achieve our vision of every person joining the ADF having the opportunity to know the Lord Jesus.
We will achieve this by:
Proclaiming the gospel to recent entrants of the ADF - We will be present on bases and visible to trainees. We will ensure the gospel is presented clearly and winsomely at every opportunity.
Equipping Christians for Christ-centred lives in the ADF - We will grow a deep understanding of the Christian faith through regular bible reading and prayer. We will grow confidence in handling God's word and prepare trainees for the unique challenges and opportunities of following Christ in the ADF.
Connecting Christians to support the mission of FOCUS - We will call people to support FOCUS through prayer and financial support to ensure the ministry is sustainable and effective. We will engage local churches and likeminded ministries to mutually support God's work.
In ministering to people, we value:
Local churches as the primary expression of the body of Christ and so values every trainee, staff-member and volunteer leader having a love for, and a committed involvement in, a local church.
Prayerful dependence on God, as we recognise God's rule over all things. God answers prayer more abunantly than we ask, so we pray according to his will and work in God's poower for his glory.
The Bible as God-breathed and trustworthy (2 Tim 3:16). We value expository Bible teaching and study, Biblical theology, and humble submission to the Bible to shape our life and doctrine and our mission, message and methods of ministry
Teamwork in the way we do ministry. This means forming a staff, volunteer or church-led team to lead each training base ministry in partnership with trainees. This also means forming effective partnerships with a variety of like-minded ministries